Joe Beavers Entertainment Services
Joe Beavers Entertainment Services can provide high quality recordings at a fraction of the price of major studios: Multi-track and Single track. We can also record you singing your favorite karaoke songs. In addition to our quality recordings, Joe Beavers Entertainment Services can design your CD covers and provide you with a complete package of promotional products; such as, web design, portfolios, and band pictures.

Looking to boost your bottom-line, entertainment two nights a week has been proven to produce desirable results. Give us a call or email us for more information.

Joe Beavers Entertainment Services can provide quality affordable voice lessons, not only for the beginner, but also the veteran singer. With unique techniques Joe can assist any singer with voice control and improved breathing techniques. In addition to voice lessons, Joe can also assist with stage presence and performance tips.

If fundraising is your goal, Joe Beavers Entertainment Services will assist you in every aspect of advertising and promotion of your event.
Call for more information concerning Nightly entertainment, fundraisers, and private parties.
870 373 3876
2009 All Rights Reserved Joe Beavers Entertainment Services